Yesterday, I read a post on the Comic Geek Speak message boards that Marvel Team-Up may be cancelled after issue #25. Let me tell you, this fuckin' sucks. I have to admit that I didn't read the series until after listening to the recommendations from the CGS guys on their podcasts, but after reading the first two issues, I really enjoyed it and started hunting for the rest of the back issues.
Marvel Team-Up is just plain fun. The book reminds me of the earlier team stories of the 70's Marvel Team-Up and Marvel Two-In-One. This book can take the characters literally anywhere and can explore the Marvel universe in great detail. Marvel is missing a great opportunity here.
Due to low sales numbers, I can understand why Marvel may be cancelling the series. It is a business after all. What I don't understand is the utter lack of marketing Marvel gave this series, which may contribute to the low sales. If they gave a tenth of the marketing to Marvel Team-Up as they gave their event stories, I bet Marvel Team-Up wouldn't be on the brink. Dang you, Marvel!
Comics Comic Book Marvel Team-Up Comic Geek Speak
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