Friday, July 14, 2006

Comic and gaming goodness! :)

I wasn't able to hit my LCS on New Comic Wednesday, but I had some time to go today. Here's my haul:

Superman #654
The Escapists #1
Ghost Rider #1
Green Lantern Corps #2
52 #10
Green Arrow #64
Annihilation: Silver Surfer #4
The Sentry #1 (mini)
The Sentry #2 (mini)
Scooby-Doo! #93 (for Munchkin No. 1)
Justice League Unlimited #2
Justice League Unlimited #3

Besides the books, I also got the following stuff:

Magic: The Gathering - Ravnica booster
Magic: The Gathering - Guildpact booster
Magic: The Gathering - Dissension booster
Pirates of the Crimson Coast game pack
Pirates of the Revolution game pack
Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse game pack x4
Card box for PSM cards

My LCS sucked me dry like a starving vampire today! When I get a chance, I'll post my breakdowns of what I got from the cards. This weekend will be busy...


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