I like reading how people paint their minis, so I thought it might be fun to post on the blog my mini painting process. I am by no means a professional painter. Hell, I don't think I'm even a good painter. Just about average. So please don't take this as a painting guide, but just my journey through painting a mini!
After the black undercoat on Hexeris had dried, I began painting the figure, starting with the head. I used a basecoat of Bleached Bone, painting it over the entire head except around the eyes, openings of the nose, and the tiny area around his lips. It wasn't until after the basecoart was applied that I noticed that this guy has four fangs instead of two! I flipped through the Primal book, and yup, his picture shows him with four. It's funny since the pic of Hexeris on Privateer's site (which I printed to use as a reference) shows him with two. I also took this time to carefully put a little Codex Grey on the raised pupil of his scarred right eye.

Next, I brushed a wash of Ogryn Flesh over the head. I love the GW washes, because it saves me the time of having to paint the shadows in the recessed areas, which is much harder for me to do. I thought of using Devlan Mud for a greyish color to the shades, but I stuck with the Ogryn for the brown/red color, matching the picture from the Primal book.
After the wash had dried, I started painting the highlights to the raised and unshaded areas of the head. I just used Bleached Bone again, using very light drybrushing strokes instead of applying paint directly to the head. This way, some of the wash shows through the paint. For extremely raised areas such as the cheekbones, dome, chin, and eyebrows, I drybrushed it several times.
Next, I started detailing the head area. For the rings lining the top of the head, I used Chainmail. speaking of rings, I wasn't sure what was going on above Hexeris' left eye. I think it's a ring piercing over his eyebrow, so I painted it that way. This guy is bad-ass!
Now for the fangs. I was a bit undecided on a color for while. Using either a white or black color may not show up very well, considering his skin is a paleish white, and the mouth area is colored black. So I decided to go the middle route and painted the fangs Codex Grey.
Finally, the scar. Red/pink like the pic on Privateer's site? Brown like the pic in the Primal book? I chose the brown, but not like the book. Instead, I used Snakebite Leather, which has a slight yellowish tinge to the light brown. I think it turned out well, since the skin areas around the scar makes it look like a disgusting pus color.
Well, that's it for Hexeris' head area. It took me a total of about four hours to do, but hey, I'm a notoriously slow painter. I'm going to take break now, and cook up some pancakes and watch some low budget crap on the See Fee channel (Oh it's SyFy. Right....).