Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Family, friends, work, and the recent holidays have kept me busy and away from blogging, so I wanted to spend this quick free time to wish everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year!

Here's some quick tidbits on my hobbies and interests during the time I couldn't post here:

Comics: I am seriously behind in my comic reading since about October(?), and the only book I read on a timely basis is 52. I've even cut my visits to my LCS from weekly to bi-weekly. With the major holidays behind us, I'm hoping to go back to my regular Wednesday visits.

Movies and Television: I haven't been to the theaters much, and the only movies I've seen at the theater since the summer were Rocky Balboa and The Good Shepherd! I have been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on DVD, and have finished the first season, and I am currently about halfway through the second.

Music: I'm listening more to Netcasts (Sorry, the "P" word has been personally banned...) than music recently. I got a whole bunch of CDs for cheap before Tower Records closed down, so when I have the time, I'll rip those to .mp3. Speaking of MP3, My MP3 player went on the fritz, and I can only listen out of the right headset at the moment...

Gaming: Games I've played recently: MtG, WoW, Nightfall, EQ2, Star Trek: Encounters, Dyansty Warriors 3, Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, Pirates CSG Online, Titan Quest, and Puzzle Pirates. Games I've dropped recently: WoW, EQ2, and Titan Quest. Games I've come back to recently: Pirates CSG, HeroScape, and EVE: Online (a three year break on this one!). I've been giving serious consideration in buying a XBox 360 within the next several months. Gears of War looks seriously wicked!

Again, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year, and may your casual time be spent with lots of fun!
