Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I'm with Future Hiro!
The Heroes TV series is kicking all sorts of ass! What started off as pedestrian storytelling has now picked up in pacing as the individual heroes' storylines now begin to intertwine. Nikki/Not Nikki is hooking up with That Bastard Nathan, while Mimic Peter is running around with Professor M looking for Destiny Isaac, and Wolvie Claire is dishing out the vengeance on a much deserved creepo. Poor Telepath Matt, where will he end up? And Hiro?!? Future Hiro, or should I say Kyle Reese/Cable/Hiro makes a kick-ass entrance!
Heroes has been picked up for the rest of the first season, so it'll be interesting how the current arc will transition into the rest of the season. I'm certainly along for the ride!
Tags: TV Heroes
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The WTF?!? of the Week: "The Meat" Action Figure
If I had a What the Fuck?!? of the Week, this week's entry would be The Meat Action Figure from the Rocky line of action figures by Jakks Pacific. That's right, folks, they've made a side of beef into an action figure! I can see it now, "Mommy, Mommy! They have The Meat figure! Can I have it, please? I want The Meat!".
Munchkin No. 1 and I were cruising the local KB Toys store this weekend when I ran into this thing. Actually, it was the Rocky logo that first caught my eye, but while going through the figures, I did a literal double-take when I found The Meat. This figure was so "out there", I had to get it.
The Meat has ZERO points of articulation, and it doesn't even have a display stand to hang the carcass. It does comes with a "bloodied" meat jacket for the Paulie figure to wear. Now that I think of it, I guess you can have the Paulie figure hold up the side of beef while the Rocky in Training Gear figure pounds on the slab...
I can see these selling out in specialty shops (for the novelty factor), but clogging the pegs at mass market stores...
Tag: Toys Action Figure Rocky The Meat
Monday, October 09, 2006
New Comics for the Week
Here's my interest list for this week:
Pull List:
Uncanny X-Men #479
52 #23
Green Arrow #67
Green Lantern Corps #5
Strong Interest:
Annihilation #3
Escapists #4
Devi #4
Tags: Comics Comic Books
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Mag Warriors are Magnificent!
I first saw the Mega Bloks' Mag Warriors line of poseable magnetic action figures at a Target last year. I thought they were cool, but I didn't bother buying any. At the time, I was fascinated with the Xevoz line of poseable figures, and I didn't take the time to actually examine any of the Mag Warriors.
Flash forward to the present, and while browsing for Heroscape stuff at a Walmart, I happened upon a Mag Warriors Dark Portal set clearanced down to $10! Naturally, I picked up the set along with the other clearanced set, Doom's Gate. I took these sets home and discovered that these little guys are very well made, and best of all, they are extremely poseable! I had to get the rest of the figures!
Unfortunately, with at least year since their release, finding any Mag Warriors from the first wave would probably be hard to find in stores. After visiting a couple of stores, I found it to be true. Mega Bloks has moved on to another wave of figures, and for some odd reason, they've repackaged the line to be placed next to the Magnetix building sets. I get the "magnetic" thing, but these are action figures....
In dire need of a "Mental Health Day" from work, I decided to spend the day visiting all the major chain stores and toy stores I could reach within the city to get the new figures as well as any from the first wave. The new waves of single figures were easy to acquire, but the ones from the first release were a bitch to find. I ended up finding all four initial figures at two different Kmarts (the only two in the city).
All I need now to complete my sets are the two figures that come with mounts! I don't know if they've been sold out, or if they haven't been released yet. I may also go back to Kmart and pick up the rest of the first wavers to be used for army building.
Tags: Toys Gaming Mag Warriors Mega Bloks
Monday, October 02, 2006
Heroes Snags A Dedicated Viewer
Last week's premiere of NBC's Heroes wasn't quite as exciting as it was hyped up to be. Maybe the expectations were too high, or (from what I read) maybe because it was really only "half" a premiere (I guess this week's episode would be the second half). In either case, I wasn't "wowed" when I saw it last week, but given that it's comic book show in disguise, I decided to give the show another chance and watched it tonight.
Tonight's episode rocked! The characters were better developed, and the story flowed well. If the premiere was indeed split into two episodes, NBC made a mistake. I'm sure there were many of last week's viewers who are probably no longer watching the show because of the "incomplete" story of last week's episode. That's too bad.
Right now, my favorite characters are Hiro (Super Hiro!) and Mohinder. Hiro is such a supergeek, I can oftentimes relate to the guy (uh oh, geek alarm!). The guy is too funny. And it seems this week, there's more to his powers than just 'portin. As for Mohinder, he has no powers (at least not yet), but I like the character. I can see him being the Professor X of the group if/when they are assembled.
I'm glad I stuck around for the second episode, as it has me looking forward to Monday nights at 9pm. That reminds me, isn't 24 (the 6th season coming this Janurary) on Monday nights too? Arrrgh!
Tags: TV Heroes NBC Comics Comic Books
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Blade TV Series Cancelled
Damn. I just read on the CGS forums that the Blade TV series has been cancelled. Well, at least it lasted one season. Actually, I'm not quite surprised of the cancellation, considering it was on a cable channel which has a hard time finding its own identity. The only bummer is that the show "ended" on a cliffhanger of a season finale, and the show also left some plot points unresolved. Let's hope another (better) channel picks up the series.
At least the Blade comic book started last week...
Tags: TV Blade Comics Comic Books
Comic Cover of the Week: Ramayan 3392 AD #1
Virgin has launched their comic book line at a great pace. I don't normally read Indian-based stories, but I currently read The Sadhu, and have started to read Devi. The fledgling company has released a new series, Ramayan 3392 AD, which is basically a "retelling" of India's greatest legend.
This version of the epic tale couldn't have started off better than having none other than an Alex Ross cover painting! The cover has such dynamic action, that you can't help yourself but pick up this book off the shelf. This is why Ramayan 3392 AD deserves this week's Comic Cover of the Week!
Tags: Comics Comic Book Virgin Comics Ramayan 3392 AD Alex Ross